Level of and territorial variation in the environmental governance aspect of sustainable rural development across polish voivodeships


sustainable development, environmental governance, rural areas, synthetic indicator of development

How to Cite

Dolata, M., & Malinowski, M. (2018). Level of and territorial variation in the environmental governance aspect of sustainable rural development across polish voivodeships . Economics and Environment, 67(4), 12. https://www.ekonomiaisrodowisko.pl/journal/article/view/119


The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of and territorial variation in environmental governance in the context of implementing the sustainable development concept in Polish rural areas. The first part of this paper includes theoretical notions related to sustainable development, with particular emphasis on its environmental aspect in rural areas. In turn, the second part presents the research method and analyzes the results. As shown by this study, the level of the environmental governance aspect of sustainable development varies strongly across Polish rural areas. This may affect not only the rural population’s quality of living but also the pace of economic development in remote areas.

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