How to Cite

Skubiak, B. (2021). QUALITATIVE FACTORS OF DEVELOPMENT IN PROBLEM AREAS. Economics and Environment, 77(2), 8-26. https://www.ekonomiaisrodowisko.pl/journal/article/view/395


The aim of the article is to analyze the qualitative factors in terms of creating development potential that will enable the construction or reconstruction of local communities and economies, especially in problem areas. The analysis of qualitative factors was based on the conducted individual in-depth interviews. This made it possible to formulate recommendations for decision-makers in the field of creating development potential in problem areas. The conducted research allows for the formulation of the following conclusions: problem areas are still stuck in the old development paradigm, in which development is seen in hard factors, and this in turn translates into decisions made and directions of spending funds; little importance in the development of soft factors such as: leadership, cooperation, social participation, quality of education; the level of financing and co-financing of innovative programs is low and basically comes down to the purchase of modern equipment by individual farmers and the expansion of the scope of crops; despite the fact that rural communes in problem areas are leaders in obtaining external funds, this does not translate into the improvement of their economic situation.

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