Perception of ecosystem services provided by carp ponds in Pasłęk, Poland


ecosystem services
fish ponds

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Turkowski, K., & Dubrowski, M. (2023). Perception of ecosystem services provided by carp ponds in Pasłęk, Poland. Economics and Environment, 84(1), 197-209.


An assessment of perceptions of fishpond ecosystem services was conducted in Pasłek, a town located in northeastern Poland. Ninety-four expert interviews were conducted with non-fishermen. The survey included a list of 28 possible ecosystem services provided by fishponds. Environmental benefits were considered the most important, followed by social and productive services. Respondents rated the ponds' function as a place for fish spawning and reproduction highest, followed by their role as fire reservoirs and as a place for recreation and leisure. A comparison with other surveys showed that perceptions of ecosystem services in local surveys could be influenced by a number of conditions, including, among others, the nature and location of fish ponds. The survey showed that people not involved in fisheries and fish farming are aware of the wide range of ecosystem services fishponds provide. This is a positive social recommendation for European fisheries policy, which aims to develop aquaculture without deteriorating the environment, creating a balanced relationship between producers and consumers of production and non-production aquaculture products.



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