Municipal waste management in the context of economic and organisational conditions at the local level in Poland


municipal waste management

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Brzozowska, A. A., Łukomska-Szarek, J., Brzezinski, S., & Brzeszczak, A. (2024). Municipal waste management in the context of economic and organisational conditions at the local level in Poland. Economics and Environment, 88(1), 630.


The article addresses the challenge of municipal waste management in Poland, which is a problem at the local level. Various aspects of municipal waste management are pointed out. Addresses the role of national and regional policies in the context of municipal waste management and the importance of implementing effective strategies and programmes that reflect local circumstances. The main objective of the study is to evaluate municipal waste management in the municipal management process. In order to implement it, a survey, a SWOT/TOWS analysis and an assessment of the relationship between the elements of the waste management system and the factors influencing the municipal management process were carried out. The district of Częstochowa was chosen for the study because of its largest area and, as well as the municipality of Częstochowa, which is the second most populous city with district rights in the Silesian Voivodship.



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