Determinants of electromobility development from the perspective of a zero emission, innovative and resilient economy


zero-emission economy,
sustainable transport
zero-emission mobility
electric vehicles

How to Cite

Motowidlak, U., & Bukowska-Piestrzyńska, A. (2024). Determinants of electromobility development from the perspective of a zero emission, innovative and resilient economy. Economics and Environment, 88(1), 732.


The aim of this article is to identify the critical factors and assess the specific actions conditioning the development of electromobility from the perspective of a zero-carbon, innovative and resilient economy. These issues have a particular dimension in relation to individual mobility. The study used a combination of primary and secondary data, using various research methods and techniques, such as descriptive analysis, desk research, diagnostic survey, cause-and-effect analysis and statistical analysis. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with experts in managerial positions. The literature review and the results of our own research confirmed the importance of the identified factors in the uptake of electric cars. At the same time, the study highlighted the high complexity of problems regarding investment decisions determining the development of electromobility. Taking active steps to increase the level of sustainability and resilience of the electromobility system should first focus on further development of charging infrastructure, uptake of electric vehicles, development of renewable energy sources and creation of an electric vehicle battery value chain. The main expectations for the development of electromobility are to reduce CO2 emissions, reduce dependence on fossil fuel supplies, increase the competitiveness and innovation of the economy and reduce external costs generated by transport. Attempts were made to achieve the originality of the research carried out through its measurable nature. The proposed electromobility development model may contribute to the improvement of decision-making tools regarding the allocation of public funds and other sources for investments so that they contribute to the sustainable development of mobility systems.



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