Paths of implementation of balanced and sustainable development in the conditions of the information society, knowledge-based economy and economy based on wisdom


balanced and sustainable development
information society
knowledge-based economy
wisdom-based economy
civilization development paths

How to Cite

Becla, A., & Czaja, S. (2022). Paths of implementation of balanced and sustainable development in the conditions of the information society, knowledge-based economy and economy based on wisdom. Economics and Environment, 82(3), 38-49.


 The study presents the need to implement balanced and sustainable development in the conditions of the information society, knowledge-based economy or wisdom-based economy as a synthesis of three leading paths – knowledge, wisdom, as well as balance and sustainability. The research so far shows that the implementation of this strategy most often takes place in mutual isolation, despite the merging of civilisation changes into a multidimensional system. The article points out the urgent need to combine modern civilisation's three most crucial development paths into one leading to sustainable and balanced development. System analysis and a critical examination of the literature were used. Researchers dealing with this issue often forget that the proper development of human civilisation must combine economic, social, ecological, and institutional aspects.



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